Tips & Tricks to the Best Beach Experience

With 85% of the Australian population living within 50 kilometres of the coastline, it’s no wonder that Aussies are engrained in the world-class beach and surf culture.

While it’s fairly simple to find a way to enjoy a day at the beach, we’re here to offer some of our most useful tips and tricks for the best beach experience possible, from packing suggestions to sun protection and more.

How to Experience the Ultimate Beach Day in Australia

Safety First

Undoubtedly one of the most important items on the list for a successful beach day is knowing the top ocean safety precautions and taking the time to consider the conditions and your respective abilities before heading out in the water.

Because even the strongest of swimmers can be dragged out in rip currents or accidentally find themselves in wave conditions beyond their comfort level, it’s essential to know your own swimming abilities before it’s too late. Take a minute to watch others before entering the water, taking note of the available entry and exit points, watching for possible dangerous shore break or the appearance of blue bottles on the shore, and paying attention to the visible intensity of the waves. Chances are if there are only experienced surfers in the water and no one swimming nearer to shore, there’s a good reason for their absence.

Swim near a lifeguard, and never go out alone. When in doubt, stay out.

Protect Your Belongings

If you’ve never experienced the fear of losing your belongings in the sand, you’re one of the lucky ones! For the rest of us, it’s a wise idea to protect our things from the sand, sun, and salt in a secure area, and away from possible prying eyes.

To avoid getting your beach items sandy, damaged or even stolen – including valuable beach essentials like your cash, cards, car keys, phone, drinks, food, snorkeling gear, towels, hats, sunnies, thongs and more – store them in our range of portable, lightweight Omnimate’s. Designed in Australia for Aussie enjoyment, the locally-designed Omnimate is secure and easy to spot from the water, allowing you to have plenty of fun in the sun without a worry. Even better, our design ensures your belongings stay sand-free and won’t fly away.

Prepare for the Sun

Because the ozone layer over Australia is especially thin, sun protection is an essential part of everyday life. With some of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, it pays to protect yourself both on and off the beach.

For your next beach outing, remember to pack reef-safe sunscreen, a beach umbrella, hats, rashies, sunnies, and the appropriate shoes for walking across hot sand. Bringing the proper sun protection will prevent you from painful sunburns – and skin damage – later on.

Keep Hydrated

While it’s tempting to consider tinnies as the only hydration you need for a day at the beach, packing a refillable water bottle will prevent you from becoming dehydrated, which increases the likelihood of heat stroke and even the effects of a sunburn.

Bring a drink with electrolytes to stay extra hydrated after a long surf or swim.

Choose the Right Beach

Whether you’re looking for the best local snorkeling conditions, a place to play in the shallow water with the kids, a beach that allows your dog to join the party or somewhere with consistent surf, choosing the right beach for your needs is one of the best ways to ensure a fun, carefree day of beach fun.

Australia is fortunate to not only have plenty of excellent beach guides – found online or in one of several excellent travel books – but tons of friendly locals who will be more than happy to steer you in the right direction. Considerations when choosing the right beach include onsite facilities like toilets and beach showers, intensity of waves and known rip currents, abundance of possible bugs and jellyfish, onsite lifeguards and more, all of which should come into play when making your decision.

We hope you enjoyed our tips and tricks for enjoying a beach day in Australia, and be sure to shop our range of Omnimate accessories to make the most of your upcoming beach adventures.